Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

apple cake

Bondepige med Slør - Apple/Rhubarb Dessert

Desserts, CakeComment
Bondepige med Slør - Apple/Rhubarb Dessert

Bondepige med Slør - Apple/Rhubarb Dessert

This is an old classic Danish dessert, normally made only with applesauce, rye bread crunch and whipped cream. But I wanted to add some spring flavor and freshness to the dessert. So I added some rhubarb sauce. This dessert is a keeper, for sure.

Serves 6


Apple Sauce:

  • 6-8 apples (Pink Lady)

  • 100 g sugar (depending on how sweet you want the Apple Sauce)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste

  • 50 ml water




Apple Sauce:

Peel and core the apples and cut them in small pieces. Cook the apples with sugar, water and vanilla paste, until they are very soft. Cool the Apple sauce in the refrigerator.


Grate the rye bread. Melt the butter in a pan and toast the rye bread in the butter over medium heat, until light crispy. Add the sugars and let it just caramelize and coat the rye bread. Spread the crispy rye bread on a piece of parchment paper, mix in the brown sugar and let the crunch cool completely.

Whipped Cream:

Whisk the cream until little over soft peak, be careful not to over-whisk the cream, because it will become grainy and eventually turn into butter. Do not add any sugar, you want the clean taste of the cream. 


Layer the sauces with the crunch in a serving glasses and top of with the whipped cream.


Apple Cake with Hazelnuts and Apple Syrup

Cake, DessertsComment
Apple Cake with Hazelnuts and Apple Syrup

Apple Cake with Hazelnuts and Apple Syrup

Normally you would make apple pie or apple cake in the autumn, when the apples are in season. But frankly I can eat this cake anytime of the year. The crunch from the hazelnuts with the sweet apples is a perfect match.

Makes a 9" cake feeding 8-10 people.


  • 3-5 apples, I used jonagold, peeled, cored, halved, and sliced
  • 1⅓ cup (3 dl) apple juice
  • ⅔ cup (1½ dl) apple cider 
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste

The dough:

  • 375 g sugar
  • 225 g (2 sticks) butter, salted and room temperatur
  • 375 g hazelnuts
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 egg white
  • 75 g all-purpose flour


Mix cider, juice, honey and vanilla, and set aside.

Peel, core and slice the apples. Put the apple slices in the cider mixture to marinate for about 15 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350℉ (175℃).

In the meantime, make the dough, cream the butter with the sugar and add the eggs (and egg white) one at a time.

Grind the hazelnuts to a flour, mix it with the all-purpose flour and add it to the butter. 

Spray the springform with vegetable oil and spread the dough in it.

Drain the apple slices, save the marinade, and put the slices on top of the dough. Press the apple slices into the dough. 

Bake cake for 60-90 minutes, and let cool completely before removing from the pan. 

Pour the cider mixture into a saucepan, and reduce it, until you have a sirup. Brush the sirup on the cake.

Serve the cake room temperature with some light whipped cream, creme fraiche or a good vanilla ice cream.

The cake will be very soft in the middle, the day you bake it, but the pectin in the apples will make the cake more firm as it sits. I usual bake it a day in advance.


Source: Claus Meyer.

Old-fashioned Danish Apple Cake with a twist.

Old-Fashioned Danish Apple cake.

Old-Fashioned Danish Apple cake.

This is not a pie, its a no-bake cake.

This is the kind of cake or dessert, you’ll get at your grandmother after a heavy dinner with potatoes and gravy. Or you’ll get it at afternoon coffee, just a couple of hours before dinner.

Normally it’s made with applesauce and caramelized breadcrumbs and whipped cream on top. 

In my family, my dad wanted the “cake” to sit a while before serving, but I loved the heat and crispyness of the caramelizating. My poor mom couldn’t please us both.

I had this cake made with with French praline, at my friends house. The cake get the crunch and texture I longed for in my moms soaky cake. I have to accredit the danish Pastry Chef Mette Blomsterberg for this lovely cake.

Serves 5-6 people. 


Apple Sauce:

  • 6-8 apples (Pink Lady)
  • 100 g sugar (depending on how sweet you want the Apple Sauce)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste
  • 1 dl water

French Praline:

  • 50 g sugar
  • 100 g almonds/hazelnuts 


  • heavy whipping cream


Apple Sauce:

Peel and core the apples and cut them in small pieces. Cook the apples with the sugar, water and vanilla paste, until they are very soft. Cool the Apple sauce in the refrigerator.


Using Almonds you have to blanch them. Boil the almonds for a minute or two. Strain the almonds and rinse with cold water. Rub the skin of the almonds and the are ready for use.

Using Hazelnuts: roast the nuts in the oven for about 10 minutes at 400°F (200°C). Cool the nuts. Rub the nuts in your hand or with a clean towel to release the skin from the nuts.

Melt the sugar in a sauté pan until it's golden brown. Add the nuts to the melted sugar and roast them for a few minutes.

Hazelnut Praline.

Hazelnut Praline.

Pour the caramel into some parchment paper and let it cool. Try not to taste it - it's sooooo goooood. 

Blend the cold and roughly chopped caramel/praline in a food processor, or chop it really fine by hand. 

Whip the heavy whipping cream (do not ad any sugar)


Layer the apple sauce and the praline in small martini glass. Put in several layers. Put whipped cream on top.